I wanted to know if these are fake or real. and if they are real what are the price of them both? and what is the price for each peice.
The first is the DRK (Deutsches Rotes Kreuz or German Red Cross) Nurse's Senior Helper's Brooch in (gold) (silver)?. The reverse is stamped "GES.GESCH." with a hinged needle pin and safety pin type catch. Note: Ges.Gesch is short for which translates to "legally protected" or as some prefer..."patent pending".Female DRK personnel were issued an active service brooch to be worn as a duty badge at the nape of the neck of the service uniform. The active service brooches came in both circular and oval versions and assorted minor variations depending on the rank/position level of the recipient.
Id like to Know how much this would be, and to tell me if "senior" means the years they have been active or if it means the age of the person receiving the brooch.
The second is a standard issue membership badge awarded to all personnel on acceptance as an official party member.
wanting to know in its current condition what the price would be.
Re: Nazi swastika pin and German Red Cross Nurse's Senior...
They're worth roughly $100 each.