This is a vase I found im my brothers house when he passed it is in excellent condition has 1918 on the bottom and the markings on the bottom look almost like backward "R"s its 9" tall
This is a vase i found in my brothers house when he passed its 9" tall it says 1918 on the bottom of the vase and has the marking almost like backward double "R" s on it it is in perfect codition no cracks or chips was hoping someone could tell me something about it
Only Information i have is from my Grandmother who is now 92 years old, she got item as a gift working for the Rockfellers when she lived in New York. She was a baby sitter for the children is what she told us, I believe sometime in the late 50s or early 60s.
This stone art weigs about 7 lbs and stamp below Made in Spain, only info i have
This is a 10-arm brass crystal chandelier in pristine condition that was left behind in a 1950 house we recently purchased. We assume the chandelier dates back to pre-WWII because It has silk insulated wires. Acorn filial motif.
Under the ceiling box cover we discovered a tag that says
Underwriters Laboratories, Inc
Electric Fixture Issue No. c-527,855 Progress Ltg. Div. Made in USA
In the upper left corner of the tag is says E-11679