Small Bronze or Brass Box with removeable lid. After extensive reasearch i discovered the style was Medieval French. Deatailed on the fron and back are 3 Fleur de lis (two small and one large.) the Detail gives it the appearance of an OLD wooden and Bronze trunk. the detail shows teh wood of a trunk as well as the metal bindings on teh corners. Also details what appears to be leather straps comlete with rivets all the way around the box. On either end of the box is also detailed the handles of the trunk, which are rings indicative of maritime use.
The most interesting part of the peice is the lid. detailed on the lid are 4 decorative spades as well as teh focal point of the piece, a medieval french Crest or Coat of arms. After extensive reserarch, i discovered the Crest was definately Medieval french by the shape and division of the shield that bears the coat of arms. The Escutheon, (shield) is Parted by Cross (which means split into four section, or Fields). I have identified the Top Two symbols occupying the 4 Fields of the coat of arms. The Top Left bears the Rearing Lion. The Top right bears Two left Facing Crescents. I dont know for sure what the bottom left and right symbols are, but here is my best description. Bottom right appears to be a sword or a thick line running diagonally brom bottom left to top right in its field. The Bottom Right Field has Two smaller lines running diagonally from botton ;eft to top right. the shield itself is shaped like a French medieval "Heater Shield" but instead of being flat across the top this one is curved like a swiss shield, Curved almost like a w. i hope my descriptions were sufficient, however if they arent...then i have PICTURES!!!