received as gift over 10 years ago. has tiffany embedded in clip. multi strain of silver. saw bracklet to match on ebay at one time for 495. i have never worn it.
I believe this to be a Duncan Phyfe Table of the late 40's or early 50's. It was my grandmothers. She purchased it new. It is in great condition. There are a few small scratches around the legs and a couple above. It has a very light blemish in the center from where a place setting once sat. All in all a very beautiful piece of craftmanship. It would be a great dining table for a large room.
I believe the fire extinguisher is made of tin and painted to look like brass on both ends and painted green on most of the tubular case. The extinguisher is full and doesn't have a pressurizer. The directions on it read:Jerk from hook and throw contents forcibly with sweeping motion into base of flame. There is an insignia for Dirigo Fire Extingusiher and a price of $1.00 is listed on the bottom.