i have a cedar chest that my grandmother gave to me. she got it (a few days ??) before her wedding in 1935. under the lid, there is a stamp that has a man on it, and says Cavalier. it has a button lock that does not work. on the bottom of the chest, the number 3033 is stamped in big black print. there is a design on the front, and (i dont know how to explain this) its got kind of a wavy pattern on the front bottom. 2 square legs in back, 2 differently circle shape legs in front. i dont know what year it is from ... (when it was made) ...... it looks to be red cedar wood, (although its brown) .... i need to know if its worth anything .... ive also got a desk my grandmother had when she was in school.
Would like an appraisal with possibility of selling.
Dinner style plates that say bloomsburg royal arch chapter no. 218 100th anniversary 1868-1968 holiness to The Lord. Different stamp markings on the back