Bright, bold, strong colors. A shadowy man riding into the sunset. A handwritten thank you to "granny" for the visit with her family as he rides the trail of life.
This is a reel to reel recording of General Douglas MacArthur's farewell speech in 1962. Clean recording, considering its age.
I suppose the worth is in the recording, but my original intent was to tinker around with the recorder / player, an Admiral TR-200. The recording inside was a complete surprise.
I recognize that there are multiple digital versions online, but I suppose an original, hard copy version would be desirable to the right person.
I have a 5 peice WM Rogers Tea set. I have been told it is silver plated. I am not exactly sure if it plated or not. Their is a marking on the bottom that says, "WM Rogers" Their is a strange logo in front of the WM, it looks like a bird. Then at the end their is a star.
I am trying to find out the year it was made, what exactly it is made out of, and a price?
This piece of art has been in my family for generations (approx. 100 years). It looks to be painted on some sort of fabric (possibly a tapestry) with an embroidered frame. The painting is of two children (a girl in a red and white dress with a bonnet and a boy with blue pants, a white shirt and red suspenders) sharing what looks to be a pickle in front of a well. We believe it is in its original frame, though no signature is visible. I'm curious to see if anyone can help identify the piece.