I have a1885 twin size woven wire Ames & Frost bed spring. I can only find a catalog describing this item. Cannot find any history or information.. Wondering ff anyone had any history or could tell me iwhat the bed spring could be worth.
I have a compass that my grandmother gave me, which her dad gave her. I believe it to be campaign propaganda for Sumter Cogswell running for office of Judge of Probate St. Clair County, Alabama. The interesting thing is its dated on the back November 8th 1910. Its been carried a lot and in fair condition, compass works. What do you think this is worth?
19" tall, 6" wide at base. A magnet was used to check the brass and it did not stick although made a small scratch on the inside and was silver. Dark rough pearl colour on the inside. Deep small scratch on the outside shows brass colour. There is a number embossed on the inside of the base #6081
I have 6 goblets in a wood box from Wilcox international silver Co. They have International silver Co. Wilcox an I and an S in circles 195 on the bottom. Can anyone tell me what the value is for these please.
Received a box from my mother of old dishes and cannot find anything about there or if they are worth anything.
On bottom of each peice this is Stamped:
(then a crown logo)
The pattern is green victorian floral/scalloped design along the outside of the dishes. Have a total of 42 pieces - not a complete set, 3 different size plates (12 total plates), soup bowls, saucers, gravy boat, casserole dishes with lids, and another piece not sure what it is called.
Im trying to get some info and estimate on this doll. It was my Grand Mothers doll. She is 96yrs old. The doll has the star of david with K R also says MB 114 1980