Both Bottles have the same makers Mark, a coat of arms raised on one side of the bottle.
The Blue Bottle:
Has a yellow lip that is not a lid, and does not have a lid with the bottle, is perfectly square up to the neck.
Markings on the base are: '20cl 3' - 'A (then a circle with a V in the middle extending just outside the cirlce) 2' - '55 mm'
The Yellow Bottle:
Has a cork stopper that is unknown if it came as the original stopper. The shape from the base until the start of the neck is a square with the sides pinched in, similar to a japanese senban shuriken.
Aside from the same coat of arms on one side of the bottle, the only marking on the base appears to be: '55' however it is very faint and hard to see even close up to the naked eye and may be either '56' or '58'.