Two chairs, one settee. Strange carvings: flower and zig, zag pattern. No nails, pegs some glue. Irregularities on short spindles (barrels), and on the rounded arms and pedement at top of each piece-This leads me to believe the entire piece is hand-made, and hand-carved. I do not know the style, or the age. The same features that are on the chair is on the settee (small sofa-looks like a couch in picture, but is rather short)Owner states "it came from a church in Boston area. Local dealer stated it is not an American piece, but rather of an European origin. Please help!
Re: Antique Settee and Two Matching Chairs
They look like Indonesian Colonial pieces rather than European, probably made about 1900 from the look of them. I can't give you a value, you seldom see stuff like this in the North American market, and when you do it does not sell very well at auction.