The dimensions noted are approximate. The trunk appears to be made of wood, that looks to be water damaged as it is warped abit on the inside. The inside of the picture as photo'd contains a removeable "shelf" of sorts, that should sit straight (thought it look crooked) and hook somehow on the inside of the trunk, one of the side's hooks is missing, causing the crookedness. The material however on removable shelf and on the entirety is covered in material which is in tact though dicolored (water damage perhaps). The outside of the shelf is covered in material that is a bit tattered and ripped and discolored in some places. The metal has tarnished into a quite beautiful deep rust color, which covers the corners, portions on the sides, portions of the bottom, and small details on the top of the trunk. There are also roughly two inch thick wooden planks that are on all sides of the trunk; five across the top. The other material on the outside of the trunk are pieces of leather, one strap is left in the fron of the trunk the other one is missing, there are also small pieces on the upper righht and left corners of the front, sides and back of the trunk, which look to have been used to strap the trunk shut.
General Antiques and Collectibles
wood, metal, cloth material
Distinguishing marks
none visible
Size and dimensions of this item
2ft/3.5ft/ 2ft
Date Period
25 lbs
I found it on craigslist, I know very little about its history and possible worth
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