This mini pool table has pocket numbers stamped as shown in the photo. The felt has a few holes in it and is not tight to the playing surface. The bumpers don't have a lot of life in them and may be made of hard rubber. The pockets are made of a netted yarn and have leather at the top edge. There are shell like inlays around the top of the table - one piece is missing. The balls that came with it, I think, are smaller than those that would be appropriate for the table. They are smaller than a golf ball and made of a hard material. I don't have a complete set of these balls but they are all solid colored including the higher numbered balls - no stripes. Some of the numbers have worn off. The legs are hinged and can be folded. It appears that a previous owner intended to refinish them but never did.
I sent an email to Brunswick and although they couldn't give me an idea of the age they did send some drawings of similar table but they looked much older than this one.