This old weight scale was used to weigh buffalo hides, and other animal pelts. There are 2 sides to this scale. One side weighs hides weighing from 0 to 40 pounds, and the other side weighs hides weighing from 20 to 350 pounds. This scale is very accurate. If you hang the scale using the smaller ring, the smaller hook is used for weighing 0 to 40 pounds, and if you hang the scale using the larger ring, the larger hook hangs down for weighing 20 to 350 pounds. The Brass scale plate is held in place using a curved metal plate and 2 screws, and the rings are not welded closed. The scale pointer is forked so that it is used on both sides of the brass scale plate to lime up with the scale markings. It was handed down to me from my father, and he received it from his father. He just called it a buffalo hide scale. He researched it over 40 years ago, and said that he had only seen 2 of them. One was in a musuem, and he had the other one. He told me that a musuem had offered him $2500.00 for it, but he wouldn't sell it. We live in Michigan, and my grandfather spent a lot of time in the UP in michigan, but I don't know when or where he aquired it. I would like to know what it's current value would be, and if any other information is known about it.
Steel, or Iron, and Brass
Distinguishing marks
Size and dimensions of this item
circuliar, 3 1/2 inches accross, 3 3/4 inches long
1/2 to 3/4 pound, about 300 grams
This was used for weighing animal hides. My dad passed it down to me. He said that he has only seen 2 of these scales. One was in a musuem, and he had the other one. He said that a musuem offered him $2500.00 for it, and that had to be over 40 years ago. We are from michigan, and my dad got it from his dad, who spent a lot of time in Michigan's UP, but I don't know how, or where he acquired it
eBay Auction Link
Price Paid (If known)
Was once offered $2500.00 from a musuem
For Sale?