Figurine of five boys playing cards. Four cheaters with one boy observing. Cannot find any reference to this item.
It was handed down to a friend from her mother who bought it from a dealer. The dealer claimed it was "old" but was not very specific. She desperately wants to sell it and has been getting a lot of uneducated advice from clueless friends and family,, and I'm afraid she'll sell it for far less than it's worth.
I'd just like to get a starting point, some reference as to whether it's genuine, a knockoff or something else.
Re: Capodimonte 5 Cheaters
These capodimonte figurines date from the 1980's through 90's, originally made to fill the demand for " Collectibles" during that period. They were originally sold with the implication they were high quality figurines that would gain in value over time. This particular model by Germano Cortese is a copy of one issued about 1982 designed by Bruno Merli. I have often seen the Cortese example sell for under $100.00 at auction