Diptych compass/sundial found in attic. No history known.
Carved from fruitwood. Fully functional and in excellent condition. On the upper left interior, is a list of cities and numbers. In the upper right interior, there is a 'metal' ball attached to a string. The ball rests in a circular pivot also covered with metal when closed. (this may be a barometer of some sort?)
The lower interior displays a sundial with an ornate sun pictured in the center surrounded by decorative laurels. The compass is set directly below the sundial.
I am wondering if there is any way to date this item. I would like to know what the function of the "ball and string" might be. Also, what if any market value it may have.
Re: Diptych Compass/Sundial
It looks like a reproduction to me, the ball acts like a plumb bob to level the box, if the ball hangs straight the sundial is level, otherwise the time the sundial shows would be off.