I have rencently aquired this gilbert chemistry experiment lab NO. 12045. I cant seem to find any information on this particulare model. Ive seen lots that are very similare but not this exact model. Judging from the graphic, I assume its from some point in th 50's.
There are some imperfections how ever. From what Ive seen, rust seems to be a very big issues for these types of sets and mine is no different. The calcium choloride jar leaked, distroying the cap compleatly and rusting throught the back. Also towards the lower left bottom of the front theres a slight ding but otherwise its pretty nice.
all bottles (except calcium cholride) have chemicals still inside. Im not sure what might be missing since I cant find any compleat ones but Ill list what I see starting from each compartment, left to right.
FIRST COMPARTMENT: 2 pyrex tubes (two missing) , Alcohol lamp, 1 Pyrex tube with elbow bend, 1 spoon, one paper roll, 1 box red litmas paper, 1 blue litmas paper, 1 box testing paper and 1 box sulphide testing paper.
SECOND COMPARTMENT: 1 Small plastic funnel, 1 dusting jar, 1 small magnifying glass, 1 liquid dropper (crack rubber bulb up top), 1 plastic messuring flask w/ 2 small pyrex rods inside (One hollow and one solid) , 1 box lables, 1 box nickle steel wire, 1 box wieght nut, 1 scale (intact but with slight rust on the wieght plates themselves) and 1 large cork w/ 2 holes drilled in top.
COMPARTMENT THREE: 1 bottle aluminum sulphate, 1 bottle amonium cholride, 1 bottle calcium cholride (Distroyed cap. Empty), 1 bottle borax, 1 bottle ferric amonium sulphate, 1 bottle cobalt cholride (Rust on cap. Intact.), 1 bottle, calcium oxide, 1 bottle logwood, 1 bottle powdered iron, 1 bottle phenolphthalein (empty), 1 bottle sodium bisulphate, 1 bottle sodium ferrocyanide, 1 bottle sodium silicate, 1 bottle, sodium carbonate, 1 bottle sodium thiosulphate, 1 bottle sulphur, 1 bottle tannic acid, 1 bottle azurite, 1 bottle strontium cholride and 1 gas generating bottle.
FOURTH COMPARTMENT: Instruction manual and experiment book. (intact slighty worn.) 1 "Adventures in Science" book. (intact slightly worn.) 1 Rack for holding viles. Vile rack includes 4 viles only. Another 4 seem to be missing but a pair of tweezers are in one empty vile slot.
All compartments have original paper board backing and slots. No sever damage to these backings but some slight rips, tears and creases exesist.
I hope with this info coupled with pics I can shed some light on if its rare or of any value. Thanks in advance.
P.S. Sorry for any and all spelling errors, my Word program keeps crashing.