I was wondering if you could assist with value of this painting/water color. I did take it to a local appraiser in town and they said they thought it to be painted gouache. But they did not deal in that old of a painting and said it was not their expertise and suggested we check with someone else. She did give us a couple of names one of them wants 135.00 for a verbal and 185.00 for written..I don't mind spending that to find that I have a valuable item...I just don't want to spend 185.00 to find out I have a 100.00 painting. So since you advertise free, was just wondering if could get some type of idea if it is worth having it appraised. This painting appears to have a burl walnut dark frame. It appears to be chalk but the Lady told us it was gouache.
It measures 30" wide by 24" tall.
I appreciate your time and we are looking forward to hearing from you.