By AntiqueIt, 15 July, 2011 Description Hi - I'm wondering what this lamp is and what is may be worth. Thanks much for any help! Category Lamps and Chandeliers Medium Metal eBay Auction Link For Sale? No Photos Re: Interesting Lamp Can you tell us more about where you got the lamp - approximate age, etc. Also, any close ups of signatures or marks on the lamp would be very helpful. Select ratingGive it 1/5Give it 2/5Give it 3/5Give it 4/5Give it 5/5Cancel rating No votes yet Leave this field blank Log in or register to post comments
Re: Interesting Lamp Can you tell us more about where you got the lamp - approximate age, etc. Also, any close ups of signatures or marks on the lamp would be very helpful. Select ratingGive it 1/5Give it 2/5Give it 3/5Give it 4/5Give it 5/5Cancel rating No votes yet Leave this field blank
Re: Interesting Lamp
Can you tell us more about where you got the lamp - approximate age, etc. Also, any close ups of signatures or marks on the lamp would be very helpful.