I just acquired this wood box with what appears to be Japanese artton it. It appears to be simular to pictures I have seen of Japanese Tea boxes, however there is no identifying marks that I have seen. The dimensions are 17-1/2" wide, 13" tall, 13-1/2" front to back. The lid and sides are made from planks and not one piece of wood or a large board that has been run through a jointer. It is put together with nails with only screws being what holds the hinges on. The hasp is style I have never seen. The art appears to be painted but I am not an expert so not sure. The person I got the piece from only knew that she got if from a wealthy lady that she used to babysit for. I would appreciate any ideas or information anyone may have.
Re: Japanese Tea Box?
it might actually be Chinese, we'd sell one like this for about $50.00. a lot of them were made for the export market between World Wars One and Two.
Re: Japanese Tea Box?
Thanks for the comment, I thought possibly Chinese as well, though the carp on the fishing line appears to be more japanese style from what I have seen.