I have recently purchased this desk off of craigslist. The owner didn't know anything about the history except that it is a Sligh-Lowry desk as it has the label inside one of the drawers. I cannot find this desk anywhere online and I would like to know as much information as I can get about it.
Re: Newly Purchased Antique Sligh-Lowry Desk
This is typically referred to as a Sligh Lowry leather top desk. They are quite common, having been manufactured in Holland Michigan for a number of years. There are many varieties, and Sligh also made many other, more elaborate desks. This particular model rarely appears with such a dark finish, as most are a ligher, warmer color.
I have seen many sell in the 300-500 dollar range, although the color of this one is somewhat unusual. These tend to be readily available in Michigan and neighboring states, less so farther from Michigan.