Leading edge of round area has severe chipping.
Bowl area is pitted on inside and outside
The end of handle and back are pitted
The word ITALY may not be the word italy it just looks like it could be (poor stamping)
£ALE$ appear to be the marking but the Pound sign could be an E with a tail
1776 date may not be a 6 but 177 is pretty clear but the 6 could be 0 or 9
Re: Soup spoon
If it says "silver plated" and "Italy" than it cannot date from the 1700's, it's most likley a pattern number or a commemorative date. Country of origin marks such as "Italy" were not in general usage until 1891. If it's silverplated and in poor condition its value is only decorative at this point.
Re: Soup spoon
Thank you for the quick reply. Do you have any information concerning the use of the British pound sign and the $ sign? I think I found the ALE mark but no reference to the UK pound or $ signs.
Thanks in advance.