It’s a Tektronix THS730 battery operated portable two channel oscilloscope 200MHz with two probes, AC adapter, battery pack that can hold a charge for 2-3 hours, and a carrying case. I received back in 2009 in Houston Texas this equipment is in EXCELLENT CONDITION. On eBay there are others listed $3,000.00, and Metrictest have it listed at $3,100.00 ..Listed below are some of the specifications:
Sensitivity – 5mV to 50V/div
Position Range +- 10%
DC Gain Accuracy - + - 2%
Vertical Res – 8 Bits
Record Lengh – 2500 points
Time/Division – 5ns to 50 s/div
Horizontal Accuracy + - 200 ppm
Roll Mode- >0.5 s/div
Autrorange – User selectable
Trigger Modes – Auto , and Normal