it is no toy ,if ya drop it it will brake,so please be carfull that one is the 141 refinement for that modle car and who knows how many after that one the auto maker engineers would use clay type material to sculpet out the cars thay imagened in there minds ,vary rarealy did thay get a new modle on the first try,very cool stuff and there imagination to be able to dream it sculpt it then build it is its all done with CAD computor aided drafting .cars in a fraction of the time it used to take .
Re: What is it?
is it still for sale? If yes how much do you want?
Best regards
Re: What is it?
it is no toy ,if ya drop it it will brake,so please be carfull that one is the 141 refinement for that modle car and who knows how many after that one the auto maker engineers would use clay type material to sculpet out the cars thay imagened in there minds ,vary rarealy did thay get a new modle on the first try,very cool stuff and there imagination to be able to dream it sculpt it then build it is its all done with CAD computor aided drafting .cars in a fraction of the time it used to take .