The history of Lee Reynolds ( believe born mid 1930s, californian, and still alive) is an interesting one. To make a long story short Mr. Reynolds employed tens of struggling artists at his studio in California to mass produce low value decorative works to be sold throughout dept. Stores etc. I don't believe there are many if any actual works done by Lee himself, but they were all signed under his name. These are very common and pop up frequently through this site, thrift stores, garages sales, and auctions. On the absolute best of days these works command $100-$300, generally to uniformed buyers. In most cases they sell for under $100.
Re: Lee Reynolds Sailboat Painting
The history of Lee Reynolds ( believe born mid 1930s, californian, and still alive) is an interesting one. To make a long story short Mr. Reynolds employed tens of struggling artists at his studio in California to mass produce low value decorative works to be sold throughout dept. Stores etc. I don't believe there are many if any actual works done by Lee himself, but they were all signed under his name. These are very common and pop up frequently through this site, thrift stores, garages sales, and auctions. On the absolute best of days these works command $100-$300, generally to uniformed buyers. In most cases they sell for under $100.
Attaching a link with some more information
Thanks for sharing
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