Jewelry casket, technically. Not antique, more likely mid-20th century. The construction is shody and the quality of the casting is quite poor. The loss of the original key does not bode well either. While I have seen people ask for anywhere between $150 and $650 for similar boxes, the quality of those was much better, and I still think the sellers were being too optimistic. If I was feeling ballsy, I might ask $50 - $75, but $100 would be pushing it too far.
Re: Antique Lock Box from Spain
Jewelry casket, technically. Not antique, more likely mid-20th century. The construction is shody and the quality of the casting is quite poor. The loss of the original key does not bode well either. While I have seen people ask for anywhere between $150 and $650 for similar boxes, the quality of those was much better, and I still think the sellers were being too optimistic. If I was feeling ballsy, I might ask $50 - $75, but $100 would be pushing it too far.