I bought this Remington bronze statue about 20 years ago from a Savings & Loan auction in Houston, Texas during the S & L crisis. An S & L owned it and it didn't have a base or whip in hand at the time. I just added these a few years ago. The foundry who added the base for me says that it was over 100 years old and could be one of Remington's originals and could be worth a lot of money ($250,000). It has a pose similar to his "Wooly Chaps" and "Bronco Buster" but has some differences in the final production models of these. It is unsigned and without any foundry markings. Nothing was noted underneath either before I added the base. Anyone know anything about original Remington pours? Thanks.
Can't attach pix! I can email them to you if interested: curtissgm@aim.com