I bought these binoculars at a yard sale for $20.00. I really don't know anything about them except it says Marchand Paris Far on the eye piece. I have posted pictures below.
I purchased this bear at an antique store, and just love his little face. I would just like to know some details about him and what his value might be?
This is a metal or composite type of material. I was told it was carved in the 1960's by a local New Jersey scuplter named Barbara Vorob. It was purchased at an estate sale a few weeks ago. It was explained to me that It was given as a gift to the owners in the 1970's. They were personal friends of the artist.
I have been told that These are a set of African fertility sculptures. They were purchased at a recent estate sale from owners that were world travelers and collected many pieces of fine art and sculptures.
They were in their posession since the 1950's and was told that they were carved twenty years prior to then.
I have a framed picture that is of a woman sitting in a chair holding what appears to be a handkerchief wearing a black dress with a white headdress. The frame is wooden and the glass has been handmade.