I'm curious about the history of this cabinet. I've seen similar styles, but I've not seen anything too close.
I would like to know where it might have been made, how old it might be...
I know very little about it other than the 90 year old lady I acquired it from had it for as long as she can remember and that her father had it before her
Found this oil painting at a Flea Market. Looks to be from around the 60's judging by frame style. Frame has "Made in Taiwan" stamp with what looks like the numbers/letters B3/613 size 12" > 16" on back. Canvas has the numbers 32774 stamped on back.
The painting looks like oil or acrylic and looks like it was kept in an attic for a long period. The attached photos make it look cleaner than it actually is. Looks as if it was near an oil furnace or coal. However, it should clean nicely.
Frame is ornate with just a few chips. It's also dirty too.
I've tried to identify the artist but have difficulty reading signature. Looks like R elams, Rolans, Ralans or R Como. Could be something totally different I can't read.
Can anyone identify?
Mainly looking to see who the artist is but would like to know if it has any value.