this United Metal Co. percolator Cat. No. 840 (NOT 840SA...just 840) has never been used, is in excellent condition, all pieces are complete and in new, unused condition, the electric cord is missing, the spiggot handle is bakelite. its made of chrome or aluminum or stainless unsure. im hoping the catalog no. will confirm its metal and worth.
It has service men and women with their arms interlinked in a cicle around the outer egde and Buy Bonds Buy Stamps around the very outer edge. It says you can play this on any phonograph-use new needle Voices-of-Victiry One of Gem's contributions to the morale of America"s Armed Forces and the Folks back home No. I think the first letter is an R then SO6667 American Safety Razor Corp. Gem Division 315 Jay St., Brooklyn, N.Y.
Opposite side says Authentic scenes of Gem Blade Reporters making thousands of free voices of Victory Records throughout the nation lots of pics on this side.