This was my Mothers doll and she was born in 1932. The eye lids close when she is laid down. I looked on "The Reliable Doll" website and found one very similar to mine called 1940 Cuddlekins 19" On this site a doll named Baby Joan Doll was mentioned but no picture was available. My Mothers name was Joan so I am thinking maybe this might be the doll I own :)
This pair of Lamps (2) are in prestine condtion they are identical with a beautiful busty woman in creamy white and mauve victorian dress holding flowers, made of porcelain. I don't know the material of the base it appears to be brass. There are NO chips anywhere that I can find. The lamp shade however does have some age staining in different areas I can photograph if you wish. The MAED IN ITALY imprint is located in the back on the bottom behind the bar with some additional letters underneath.
I have many anitque pictures on canvas, each canvas picture has multiple pin size holes in it, and when you put light behind it the picture becomes color. I would like to know the name of these pictures and the value of one.
I've got this 6 drawer dresser and twin bed that I think is French Provincial but not sure. I can't find anything about it on the internet can anybody tell me anything about it? The only markings on it are numbers that seem like they are to identify the pieces that go with the set. My feelings are it's from the 70's but I have no way of knowing this is true. It has a serpentine front on the dresser and is painted a yellow with gold accents. I'm wanting to sell this and was wondering also about what price something like this in this shape would sell for. I don't want to ask too much for it. Thanks.