My father found these two keys and gave them to me so I could paint them or do what ever I wanted to. but I would like to know if they are worth anything?
Hello there everyone,
I have found in my Grandparents garage, a 13 star American Flag and was looking for any info anyone can provide... i have also contacted Jeff Bridgman to see what info he may be able to give me.. -- i have searched some fourms and the internet and have not been able to find a flag that matches mine exactly (perhaps meaning i have nothing valuable) -- this link is the closest i have come!
-- this flag has 6 white stripes and sits on a red stripe
-- the stars are in a Medallion pattern and are sewn on both sides of the flag, stiched with what apperars to be zigzag stitching
-- it has a hoist with what appear to be (2) brass grommets (there is no numbering or stamps on the grommets)
-- it is stamped (actually looks hand written) with the name Gilfillan (which i cant find any info on)
-- on the other side it is stamped 'Standard 2 X 3'
-- Also 2 of the stars on one side seem to have some markings on them, most likely not meant to be there..