Whole page is a manila color with some staining at the lower right corner. Stains do not make and print illegible. Not certain of the age as I am not completely certain if this is original.
Sanko model# 593 manufacted by sanko sewing machine company co.japan a division of the janome sewing machine company#593000996. 115 volts 60 cycles total input 1.0 amper
My grandparents were collectors of antiques. This is an item I always like as a child so my grandmother let me have it. Thinking about selling it but have no idea where to start or I may begin to collect myself.
Bottom is marked Bailey & Co., Phila., Hard Solder and #905. I believe the handle insulators are ivory. Engraved in the body are two dates, 1825 and 1875, with the initials HE in the middle. I think it might be an Anniversary piece, reason it's gold and the date span is 50 years. A #6 is stamped on the inside of the lid. It stands 5 1/2" tall, the Body radius is roughly 4", the Lid and Base radius's are 2 1/2".