They weight apx 3# ea, (feel heavier though), they are 8 1/4" across the top. The top row has 2 round crystals (5/8 & 4/8") & one teardrop (1 1/4" long), next row (7" across) is a strand of 7 crystals, the top one larger & decreasing in size to the 7th, the strand droops & is connected to a small ring 2 1/4" across that ring has a single row of a round crystals with a teardrop below. The wiring is European, the ceiling mount on each has a few cracks, it appears to be brass, as do the rings. When I bought them, I took them to our local lighting store, Halli Spechs (Lakewood, CA) to inquire about rewiring, the offered to buy them for $800.00 each, they said the crystals were very good, at that value I declined to leave for re-wiring, fearing crystals would be substituted for lesser value ones. I was handling this shipments inbound movements from Europe, unfortunately, the widow was misquoted & didn't have the money to pay for transit costs, I'll never forget the items that were auctioned, I crowd was going wild with
Lamps and Chandeliers
Brass?, Austrian Crystals
Distinguishing marks
none that I can see
Size and dimensions of this item
8 1/4" top ring, 7" 2nd ring, 2 1/4" bottom ring
Date Period
apx 3 lb
they're european wired, I bought in 1978 from auction high value items for unpaid transit costs from Europe to the US
eBay Auction Link
Price Paid (If known)
Autction $50.00 unopened box
For Sale?