The table has 5, carved, thick legs, 5 leaves, and is also stamped on the side with the numbers:1467. It has been stripped and re-stained about 20 years ago, and I also noticed some replaced wood on the underside. Also has holes on the bottom of the legs where casters no longer exist.
Re: 5 Legged Oak Table
Tables of this type are in what's called the "Colonial Revival" style. Colonial Revival pieces are reproductions of the original American furniture originally produced from 1620-1780.
The style became popular after the first Centennial of the American Revolution in 1876. At that time interest and demand for original Colonial & Federal furnishings was so great it outstripped supply.This caused large manufacturers to begin production of pieces in the Colonial and Federal styles from the Jacobean to Duncan Phyfe. Yours was made at the turn of the 19th century, values for them are generally under $350.00 at auction.