Hello I'm sorry I came across this website before had a chance to accurately measure this table however I would guess that it opens up to about 4 feet across and maybe 3 feet or so wide. I believe it to be made of cherry. I really don't know anything about its history I tried to take a picture of the dovetailing which is triangular and I believe that means that it's older. I am thinking mid 1800s. I want to give this to my mother for her birthday but I wanted to have some history to share with her and I would really appreciate an approximate value of the piece. I think each of you in advance for your time and wish I had more information offer but I truly don't know anything about this.
Re: Antique Sherton Drop Leaf Table
I am considering giving this to my mother for her birthday but I'm not opposed to selling it. As I have already purchased a gift for her.
Re: Antique Sherton Drop Leaf Table
I would think about 125.00