Berkey & Gay Dining Room Set including table, chairs, sideboard and china cabinet. Interested in knowing style (is the Jacobean? maybe Spanish revival? No idea), approximate date of manufacture (I think 1930's based on the trademark), and current value.
These 1920's through 1931…
These 1920's through 1931 Berkey sets tend to be a hodgepodge of styles, this one with elements of both Spanish Revival and Jacobean, with a side order of William & Mary.
The era between World War I and the Great Depression was Berkey & Gay’s zenith of production. Upholstering was spun off to subsidiaries like Wallace Upholstery and Grand Rapids Upholstery, so Berkey & Gay concentrated on living room and bedroom suites. Although designs ran the gamut of freely translated European and American revival styles, most tended toward larger, heavier periods like Elizabethan, William and Mary, and American Empire.
Sets like this lkast peaked in value in the late 1980's, comparable sets now sell at auction in the $500.00- $800.00 range