The lamp stand does not have a patent stamped on it anywhere but it does have the abbreviation for "patent applied for" in several places. The fount has a patent date of August 30, 1892. The lampstand has B&H stamped on the bottom of the base and also the number 5925. B&H is also stamped on the fount. The lamp appears to never have been used. The wick is unused and there are no black marks on the chiminey. The globe has beautiful flowers painted on it. I am not sure of the metal but the bowl that holds the fount looks like nickel because it is almost blue in color. Also on the stem, is a beatuiful tear drop shaped piece of marble. Absolutely exquisite. Might be willing to sell...if it were up to me, I wouldn't but my husband likes money!
Lamps and Chandeliers
Distinguishing marks
"B&H" and Number "5925" stamped on bottom of base
Size and dimensions of this item
27 1/2" from base to top of chiminey, 10" diameter globe
Date Period
Fount has patent date of August 30, 1892
It was given to my husband for work that he had done for someone.
eBay Auction Link
Price Paid (If known)
For Sale?