We bought this bench in Germany from a furniture dealer at a flea market a few years ago. We fell in love with it but all the guy selling it could tell us is "1880's France"
I tried searching many keywords online but nothing like this ever popped up. Does anyone have an idea how old it can be and where it might have come from? Any idea on the value?
Thank you!
Re: Carved Hall Bench
Re: Carved Hall Bench
Pieces like this are in the "Gothic Revival Style" most were made in Belgium and Germany during the last quarter of the 19th Century. They look far older than they are because the Gothic style they copy dates back to the 12th -16th Centuries. Most were constructed out of oak and given a dark stained finish which further heightens the appearance of age. Not a huge demand for Gothic style these days, but one like this could go for close to $3000.00 at auction.
Re: Carved Hall Bench
Have a similar bench that seat lifts for storage, c.1890, stamped 'Belgium' on back was helpful! Ours is a "French Gothic Hall Bench", with 4 panels, each with a carved figure. I have seen similar benches on interent sites asking in the $2,000-$3,000 range, what they actually have sold for, who knows, auctions are a crap shoot. I did have ours appraised through an internet firm based in England. Stated appraisal was only for $200-$300 based on the bottom having fallen out of antique furniture & only pieces getting high prices are those that are unique. Shocked me, but I read this as the death of the middle-class & discretionary spending, only the wealthy left buying. Value on furniture is 50-75% less than 10-15 yrs ago. Positive is that it is a buyer's market. Great piece you have & who cares what is 'in style'? I have mine in a ranch home, looks great, & is quite the conversation piece.