What leads you to believe it dates to 1886? The slogan "Drink coca cola Delicious and Refreshing" was first used in 1904. Do you have any family history for this piece and what it was used for?
I thought since the slogan was a 1904 that maybe it made the whole thing old. I just got this piece from my grandpa and it just used to hang in the garage. That's about all I know about it.. The way the shelf's are inside of this piece it would seem as though maybe it was made to have some kind of coco cola figurines or something inside of it.
Re: Coca Cola cabinet
What leads you to believe it dates to 1886? The slogan "Drink coca cola Delicious and Refreshing" was first used in 1904. Do you have any family history for this piece and what it was used for?
Re: Coca Cola cabinet
I thought since the slogan was a 1904 that maybe it made the whole thing old. I just got this piece from my grandpa and it just used to hang in the garage. That's about all I know about it.. The way the shelf's are inside of this piece it would seem as though maybe it was made to have some kind of coco cola figurines or something inside of it.