Purchased these various drawings and portfolios at a estate sale ,the person holding the sale told me that the artist was a Disney employee, all have signatures and various markings such as time ( to draw?) dates,etc.
one is a Cinderella ad from a mag. and the original drawing is attached , I also have the person's name that lived at the house where the sale was conducted ( who I assume did the art work.) I will provide his name only if it helps me get info. I would appreciate any info as I am going to frame them . They all are high quality work and original . I have a pic. of a group of men who this person describes as " The Group " there are lots of drawings and doodles in the portfolio and drawings on a directory from a hotel in Ohio where( I get from reading it) they had a meeting . any and all information will be greatly appreciated as I have not been able to get any info from Disney.