Beatiful silver spoon with a wide rounded bowl engraved with the sunrise on it.
the stem is a dragon. On the back of the bowl of the spoon is MOJI. And on the back of the stem is 2 small stamps.
this was my grandmothers spoon I've not idea where she got it from. My mother now has it and has asked me to find out more about it, I do not have a pic of it but saved a pic from the Internet that resembles it most. Apart from the engraving on the bowl of the spoon, my mothers spoon has a sunrise/landscape picture engraved on it.
i would like to know if this spoon has a history.
Re: Japanese Solid Silver Moji Dragon Spoon
Without seeing the stamps nobody can really tell you much about the spoons origins, If the are silve the melt value for them is currently about $16.00 a spoon.