It is completely intact save for a section of the top that has chipped off. It appears to be very old. A considerable number of other items have been found near the location I discovered this jug, most of them of Native American origin (arrow heads, arrow sharpeners, and even a very old rock wall on the river bank said to have been built by indians). Could this jug be that old? I am not a historian or an expert on this sort of thing whatsoever. Can anyone help me?
Re: Old Whiskey Jug
Funnel top jugs of this type are not really all the old, being made right into the 1930's. Commonly called " Moonshine Jugs" they were actually used to store everything from Molasses to vinegar. Values for them are quite modest as they were mass produced items, even in perfect shape these later unmarked jugs often sell for under $30.00 at auction.
Re: Old Whiskey Jug
Lovejoy is correct. I have a nice collection of them that I have accumulated over the years. I don't pay much for them. Usually 15 dollars or a bit more if it has a unique color or appearances. That particular one will not sell very well with the chip on it and that is more than likely why it was tossed.