These pieces were previously owned by my grandparents and possibly my great-grandparents, as well.
I believe the setee may have been re-upholstered. Each piece has a face carved into the wood. The bottom of the setee is pulled down and the springs are showing. There is a thin piece of the wood chipped off of the back of the setee. The left arm of the piece is coming loose from where is attaches to the back. There are scuff marks in the wood on each piece.
The chair is in fair condition and the setee is in poor condition.
Re: Setee and Chair with a Face Carved into Wood
Your set is a late Victorian example, made right around the turn of the 19th Century. The carving is actually all machine carved. The demand for Victorian furniture has dropped considerably in recent years, leading equally deep drops in value as well. We se comparable sets now selling at auction for less than $250.00.