I don't know anything about this mirror that you cannot see in the pictures. However this mirror is a turner wall accessory with the #4373 stamped on it. I think it says made in the USA but its worn off. The back of the mirror is covered in paper as you can see in the picture so it is really hard to tell what the frame is made of. the frame is gold in color and seems to be made of wood or something that similar. i say that because if you notice in one of the pictures it looks like nails are used to hold the frame together. I could be %100 wrong about the frame material because I know nothing about the possibilities of what it could be. I imagine it would be ridiculously difficult to make a frame so ornate and symmetrical out of wood. Please view the pictures, anyone who is versed in aged items will know more than I do.
The reason I am wanting an appraisal is because I want to use the mirror but the color isn't my taste so i would like to change it. In order to do that I ould have to cut the paper on the back. I don't want to do anything to it if it is of value. This mirror would not be for sale, but I would like to know what it is worth, what year it is from, and anything else I can learn about it.