Unusual piece, never seen anywhere... very large- 13 inches high, base plate width=12 inches wide
Cobalt blue and gray jasperware. Dish is a mock beehive with bee symbols, and grapevine designed decor.
The stamped initial "W" is on the bottom of the plate as well as on the inside of the dish.
The number 369 appears on the top inside of the beehive-shaped dish.
Re: Wedgwood Cheese Dish
wish to know the monetary value of this piece
Re: Wedgwood Cheese Dish
I would be hesitant to call it Wedgwood, only because I've never seen a Wedgwood item that didn't say "Wedgwood" on the bottom. The oldest ones say Wedgwood, after that comes "Wedgwood" and "England", and after that comes "Wedgwood Made in England" as one word. I've never seen an item that looked anything like this either. I would say it is jasperware, but not an actual name brand of jasperware, there were so many remakes of pieces similar to Wedgwood because of Wedgwood's success. The W would be the potter's mark. And the 369 is most likely a number used for identification in the kiln.