This was my grandpas as a young man. I don't know how old the watch was when he aquired it.
Inside the case says "warranted, B&B, Royal, 20yrs, 3524203. There is an engraving of "T-559" and another that's hard to read but I think it's "593D".
On watch it says "11781761, 17 jewels, American Waltham Watch Co."
Around rim of watch it says "3524203"
The picture is dull (I took it w/o a flash). The silver in the mechanical area is very pretty and bright.
**The red-ish areas on the back of the case is a reflection**
Re: Would like to know the value and year of my Waltham Stop ...
On Waltham's the serial number on the watch movement is what indicates the date range. In this case the number 11781761 indicates a date of 1883 or 1902 depending on which source you use.