Based on your description of the markings they are early 20th century silver plated examples. Sterling silver is marked "Sterling", "925" ( 92.5% silver) or will have a series of "hall marks", which vary by the country the set was made. Silver plate often has marking such as EPNS ( Electroplated Nickle Silver).
Re: Silver spoons w/pearl type handles in case
Based on your description of the markings they are early 20th century silver plated examples. Sterling silver is marked "Sterling", "925" ( 92.5% silver) or will have a series of "hall marks", which vary by the country the set was made. Silver plate often has marking such as EPNS ( Electroplated Nickle Silver).
Re: Silver spoons w/pearl type handles in case
Thanks... Thats what I was thinking too, that thier silver plated... Anyone have an idea of thier value?... ty