I have a El Sidelo S.I.D.Y CA cigar box that says Lily on the side of the box. These were 10 cent cigars. I would like to know if anyone knows anything about the value of this item? Please and thank you!
Cigar boxes are specialist collector items. Unless they are a rare brand or have wonderful design graphics they tend to be sold as decorative items in the general Antique market for under $35.00
Re: El. Sidelo Lily Cigar box
Cigar boxes are specialist collector items. Unless they are a rare brand or have wonderful design graphics they tend to be sold as decorative items in the general Antique market for under $35.00
Re: El. Sidelo Lily Cigar box
Thank you so much for the information! I looked all over and could not come up with anything! (*
Re: El. Sidelo Lily Cigar box
Yes, I've even seen them and even grabbed a few for $5-10 at swap meets and flea markets.