I have a painting by Giovanni (House of Art NY) of the Last Supper that is at least 100 years old. (It hung in my grandmother's dining room.)
Jesus is dressed in an all white robe blessing a golden chalis. To His left appears to be a very feminine figure in pink; and to the far right a man with his back turned but his face is partially showing.
I would appreciate any information you can give me on the history of this painting, as well as it's worth.
Re: Giovanni, Last Supper
It looks like what you have is most likely a reproduction of an old master painting, but may have value anyway, you should consider taking it to a reputable professional appraiser who can look it over and appraise it in person, as it would be difficult to get a feel for the age of the piece from pictures alone. However, with pictures of the back of the painting as well as close ups of the signature, any marks, and the frame itself would help to give some idea what you have. It would also help to know what it is painted on.
Re: Giovanni, Last Supper
I have added pictures of the signature and framed (front and back), as requested. Can you tell me who the Master Painter is? I've searched the entire Web and found nothing to match this picture.
Re: Giovanni, Last Supper
It would be next to impossible to attribute it to an artist from pictures alone. Its probably not what you want to hear, but the best I can do from here is to help eliminate it as an old piece. Can you tell what it's painted on (canvas, board, etc...)? And is that cardboard on the back?
Re: Giovanni, Last Supper
Yes, the current backing is cardboard over wood. I think it used to have paper over the cardboard at one time. The painting itself has a canvas-like texture in some spots...It's definitely not smooth. My uncle was a priest at Notre Dame (long deceased). I have no one left in the family to ask the history of this picture. My father took the painting, which was housed in Michigan, after my grandmother died. It hung in his dining room until he died. It's been sitting in the back of a closet for years. I would really like to know more about the artist and history of the painting, so I can answer questions about it.
Also, how would I go about finding a reputable restoring agency/appraiser? Are there certain credentials or questions I should ask?
Re: Giovanni, Last Supper
Well, I'll start by saying that until you have absolute proof otherwise, you should assume that it is a reproduction, but so far I see nothing that says it isnt an original.
Does the paint lie flat on the board or is there a texture to it?
Also if there is any way you could very carefully remove the painting from its frame and send me some pics of the back, the sides, and close-ups of where the frame covered the edge of the paint, and one of the house of art NY stamp. You should be able to email those directly to me, just click on my name, there should be a contact button for me on my page. (The image quality will be better and will not be as limited in size.)