The box says Doughtery's Private Stock Pure Rye Whiskey. Bottled by Doughtery Distillery Warehouse Company, Inc Philadelphia, Pa. Over 13 years old, Bottled in bond under US Government supervision for medicinal use only. The bottle is appx 90% full. And it readspretty much the same as the box on the front.The back states Rx Spiritus Frumenti 100 proof. J.A. Dougherty's Sons
Distillery No 2 1st Dist PA
"Caution Notice"
This bottle has been filled and stamped under provisions of the act of congress" etc.
Re: Doughtery's Private Stock Rye Whiskey
Very cool item, obviously, it's labeled "Medicinal use only" because it was bottled during prohibition, and that was the only way to obtain liquor legally. I have seen similar bottles with the seal intact selling for ~$3000, though the paper seal being broken on your bottle may affect what someone is willing to pay.
Dougherty's Rye
I have a similar bottle tax stamp intact. Would like to know value and how to best sell item. Thanks.
Re: Dougherty's Rye
Go to my website and upload pictures via my contact form and I'll tell you what you have and how much it is worth.
Re: Doughtery's Private Stock Rye Whiskey
This bottle is one of the most common medicinal whiskies to survive the prohibition era. The whiskey level looks good and the labels are very nice. The biggest problem is the tax stamp is gone which means the bottle might have been tampered with. The tax stamps from this era always have the distilled date and bottled date, which adds to the history and allure. Sadly, we're missing that here.
Assuming the whiskey is authentic, which I believe it is, the value is about $100. If the tax stamp was on there $175 to $200 easy. There is NO WAY it is worth anywhere close to $3000 and I have never seen a medicinal whiskey pint go for more than $450.