This was with some things given to me years ago by an elderly relative. It hasjust been at the back for the kitchen cupboard since.
Recently I have been looking online and it appears to be from the 1950s! It is in full working order and in excellent condition, it looks like it has been hardly used.
There is the base unit, glass blender with lid, mixing bowl attachment with two diffferent mixing arms and a lid. There is even a magimix spatula!
I have not been able to find out anything else about it so I would be very interested know more and get an idea of its value.
Re: Magimix blender with mixing bowl attachment 1950s
Are you still interested in selling your MAGIMIX blender with mixining bowl? And if so - for how much? Would you sell it to Switzerland?
Please let me know. I am looking forward hearing from you.
With best regards
Email: [email protected]